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I can assure you that when I started CCO, helping clients survive and bounce back from a global pandemic was not top of mind. But the reasons I did start this business were never more relevant than they are today as Coronavirus is a threat to the health of our people.

I started CCO because it’s always been clear to me that healthy businesses are critical to healthy communities. I’ve seen both – when manufacturing is thriving – paying taxes and keeping people working – communities have the resources to invest in schools, parks, water treatment and more. When a big plant or business isn’t healthy – even to the point it closes, it puts pressure on the community to deliver for its citizens. And believe me, those citizens are far more healthy when they have a good, family-sustaining manufacturing job.

So as we fight Coronavirus to keep our people healthy, CCO is here to help you fight to keep your business as healthy as possible now, and to emerge from this and continue providing the vital jobs and resources that keep communities strong.

Here are just two priority considerations we’re seeing as this unfolds:

  • Ramping throughput of critical supplies to meet crisis demand, including medical supplies & services, consumer goods, and food industries.
  • Crisis staffing of professional roles in key areas like materials, manufacturing, supply chain, distribution, purchasing and more.

As companies are facing similar challenges, we’ve identified four key areas to help your business navigate the path forward during this global pandemic. First, we rapidly conduct a diagnosis and solutions development. Next, we assign our team to jump in and help your staff significantly improve struggling operations. From there, we drive process excellence in your materials management and equipment by establishing standards and accountability. Lastly, we have a special expertise in supply chain to manage inbound and outbound supply chains, while pushing throughput from start to finish

This is a critical time, and CCO is here to help. If you want to talk, please contact me at

CCO cannot and does not provide legal advice. It’s important to consult with qualified counsel before adopting any new policies. It’s also your responsibility to determine whether legal review of work product is necessary prior to implementation. 
